Slippery Slope Extreme Interactive Inflatable |
Compete against your opponent to see who can get up high on the wall to get all the flags off before your opponent.
Defy gravity as you race to scale the wall. One opponent will be the winner!
18 H x 22 W x 22 L
400 lb maximum weight total, 200 lbs each.
Requires 2 blowers (10-12 amps each)
Rents for $459.00
Wacky Fun Center Inflatable |
Big Sized Fun for up to 8 participants. The Wacky Fun Center is packed with hours of fun! Featured large bouncing areas, multiple
obstacles, tunnels, and not one, but two covered slides. Kids are sure to have a blast in this conveniently sized combo!
12 H x 26 W x 22 L
8 occupants, for a total weight of $1200 lbs (150 each)
2 blowers (10 amps each)
Rents for $399.00
Wacky Fun Center |
Everyone enjoys a party, and this unit offers all kinds of play for up to 6 participants. Our Wacky 5 in 1 Bounce Combo!
Featuring a huge moonwalk area, a crawl-through, a climbing obstacle, an exterior slide, and an exterior basketball hoop.
13H x 16W x 20L
6 partipants or 900 lbs total (150 max per participant)
1 blower (10 amps)
Rents for $249.00
Put and amaze your guests with your skills!
Rents starting at $125-599.00
Mobile Fun Mirrors |
Mobile Fun Mirrors Set of 2
Mirror, Mirror on the wall...why do my features seem so small? Add these fun mirrors to any event to add that fun element for both kids and adults...who doesn't like to see themselves become distorted and have fun with friends doing this! Fun!
Rents for $100 for the setup of 2.